Fit Tip Friday: The 80/20 Rule

20% of your efforts are going to bring 80% of your results

June 9, 2023 - 1 min 9 sec read

Happy Fit Tip Friday!

I am popping on to talk a little bit about what’s called the 80/20 rule, or Pareto’s Principle. It’s funny because you can apply this to your nutrition.

So what does it mean?

It means that 20% of your efforts are going to bring 80% of your results.

When you look at it from the nutrition perspective, it’s eating 80% really good and on-point, which means healthy, lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, whole grains etc. And then 20% of the time you have a little fun, like a glass of wine or a slice of pizza. This will help you stay on track because you’re able to occasionally incorporate the foods you get to enjoy, like ice cream, cookies, cake, etc. Those small, foundational daily healthy habits are going to help you reach your long-term goals. Think of it like playing a game of Tetris. It’s about strategically fitting in the foods where it makes sense. For example, if you know you're celebrating a party and going to have cake, maybe you eat a little bit healthier and a little less carbs throughout the day so you can have cake.

See, you can have your cake and eat it, too!

So there you have it – 80%: healthy, unprocessed lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, whole grains; 20% the fun stuff: cake, cookies, pizza, wine.

I hope that helps. Comment below. Let me know if you follow the 80/20 rule and how it works for you!

Stay healthy,
Allison - Allison Jackson Fitness


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